
Hornacinas of the historic center of Pamplona 




20. Christ of Mañueta

Carving of good size (130 x120 cm), mid-sixteenth century, with expressive echoes, poorly preserved in terms of polychrome. It was located in the front of the basilica of Santa Cecilia, a building on the corner of Curia and Navarrería. After the disentailment it had different uses, including that of municipal storeroom until its sale to a private individual; occasion in which the City Council, when authorizing its demolition in 1853, made it conditional on the crucifix being moved to the façade of a nearby house, a circumstance that is documented in the Municipal file . Thus, the crucifix remained in the place where it is now preserved, in a unique niche formed by a hole protected by a grille and glass, similar to the way the closing of a balcony is usually composed.



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