
Hornacinas of the historic center of Pamplona 


Burgo de San Cernin


2. San Fermin

At the beginning of Calle Mayor, between numbers 6 and 8, at the height of the balconies of the second floor, there is a small rectangular niche topped with a semicircular arch, protected by a glass with a simple framework , which preserves an image of San Fermin on a bracket and, under it, a bull. In the accounts presented by the prior of the Barrio de la Calle Mayor y Bolserías on April 12, 1819, the money used to make a new niche for San Fermín, which is placed in the neighborhood, is included. A sculptor is also paid to make a new pastoral staff and two hands. These compositions do not seem to agree with the existing image; in any case, that niche of 1819 can be considered an antecedent of the present niche. Of the antiquity of this niche gives sample its status on the medianera of two plots, undoubtedly result of the division of the original plot.




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