
Hornacinas of the historic center of Pamplona 


Population of San Nicolás


14. Hornacina in Lindachiquía Street, corner of Comedias.

Until the beginning of the 20th century, an image of Santa María la Blanca was kept in this niche. To this image refers the book of conference proceedings of the neighborhood of Rúa Chica and Sederías, in the annotation of April 20, 1800; for what is registered in that book in 1824, it seems that until that moment the image was kept in his house by the prior of the neighborhood. That year it was agreed to place it on the façade of the Casa de Comedias, but the City Council did not find it a suitable place, so the neighborhood decided to place it in the place where the niche is now located, and there, in the house of the Vidarte family, it remained since June 11, 1824. According to what Arazuri wrote in 1980, it seems that in that year the niche still had the image, but by 1983 it had disappeared.



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