
Hornacinas of the historic center of Pamplona 


Population of San Nicolás


13. San José

Paseo de Sarasate, 14. In this place was the headquarters of the guild of carpenters and masons of Pamplona from 1375 until 1826, when the so-called Hermanad de San José y Santo Tomás lost the ownership of the building. Until the 18th century, access to the building, renovated on several occasions, was via Lindachiquía Street. In 1725 a major renovation was carried out, with a façade facing the current Paseo de Sarasate, an area that in those years was part of the Taconera. In 1727, Matías de Asca, the master mason in charge of the reform, was entrusted to create a niche in this façade to place an image of Saint Joseph, patron saint of the brotherhood. Thus, on the second floor, between the two balconies that open onto the promenade, there is a large niche with an image of St. Joseph standing cradling the Child on the left arm, in a composition that follows baroque models. The niche is framed by columns and a curved pediment, like an altarpiece, all in pressed brick.



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