
Monastery of Tulebras


St Bernard's Chapel

In the course of history some chapels were built that opened to the nave. Today, only the chapel of St. Bernard remains in the chancel, adjacent to the main chapel on the Gospel side, which was first dedicated to St. Benedict.

The chapel was built in the seventeenth century and was remodeled in the seventeenth century.

Following the baroque taste, we find a square space, centralized, covered with a dome with lantern on pendentives, decorated with plasterwork of profuse vegetation and a vivid color. Curiously, the pendentives decorated with plasterwork have oval canvases in their centers, which instead of representing, as usual, the Evangelists or the Fathers of the Church, show St. Benedict, St. Robert of Molesmes, St. Humbelina and St. Sebastian, saints closely linked to the devotion of the community. From the pendentives starts the ring of the dome of very broken line, which gives way to the casquere divided by eight radial bands of plasterwork. At the end rises the lantern on the base of which atlantean children are attached.

Recently a rectangular brick body has been added to serve as a parish church, so the original centralized plan disappears.


St Bernard's Chapel
Photo: Naiara Ardanaz


GARCÍA M. COLOMBAS, M.B., Monasterio de Tulebras, Gobierno de Navarra, department de Educación y Cultura, Institución Principe de Viana, Pamplona, 1987.

ORBE Y SIVATTE, A., Monasterio de Tulebras. Un oasis para la contemplación, nº 60, Edilesa, 2001.

REAU, Louis, Iconographie de L'Art Crrétien. (5 vols.), vol. 1, Paris 1956, p. 22.

RECONDO, J.M., "Monasterio de Tulebras", TCP, nº 127, Pamplona, Diputación Foral de Navarra, 1972.

TARIFA CASTILLA, M.J., La arquitectura religiosa del siglo XVI en la merindad de Tudela, Gobierno de Navarra, department de Educación y Cultura, Institución Príncipe de Viana, Pamplona, 2005.
