
Monastery of Tulebras


Dormition of the Virgin

The central panel of the altarpiece represents the topic of the Dormition of the Virgin, whose composition is complicated by the presence of a multitude of figures, the Apostles and servants, surrounding Mary lying. The figures are arranged around the bed, but the figure of the Virgin stands out. To accentuate this effect, the bed is elevated while Mary's body is placed on high cushions with decorated borders.

The room is adorned with a large canopy, which opens to reveal a window in the background, where St. Peter can be distinguished. This one that presides over the funerals; occupies a central and elevated place as it corresponds to him for being the first of the Apostles, culminating in this way the composition.

Next to him, and leaning over the Virgin is St. John represented in the Italian and Raphaelesque manner, which is perceived in the beautiful and idealized face and gestures that show a great dramatism shared by the rest of the characters. The Virgin elegantly crosses her thin and elongated hands on her chest and her serene face contrasts with the dominant dramatism of the painting.

The coloring of this panel, of great richness, is observed in the contrast of the greens of the background with the reds of the bedspread, highlighting in a special way the iridescent color of St. Peter's clothes, going from red to green and from green to mauve.


Dormition of the Virgin
Photo: Naiara Ardanaz


GARCÍA M. COLOMBAS, M.B., Monasterio de Tulebras, Gobierno de Navarra, department de Educación y Cultura, Institución Principe de Viana, Pamplona, 1987.

ORBE Y SIVATTE, A., Monasterio de Tulebras. Un oasis para la contemplación, nº 60, Edilesa, 2001.

REAU, Louis, Iconographie de L'Art Crrétien. (5 vols.), vol. 1, Paris 1956, p. 22.

RECONDO, J.M., "Monasterio de Tulebras", TCP, nº 127, Pamplona, Diputación Foral de Navarra, 1972.

TARIFA CASTILLA, M.J., La arquitectura religiosa del siglo XVI en la merindad de Tudela, Gobierno de Navarra, department de Educación y Cultura, Institución Príncipe de Viana, Pamplona, 2005.
