C.103 - Case Castilleja de la Cuesta

"On 22 October 1997, the person in charge of security at the establishment ... in Castilleja de la Cuesta called the police and a police force appeared and took the accused, Andrés F., who was drunk, to the Civil Guard headquarters. "who was drunk, to the Civil Guard headquarters, during the journey the accused was uttering phrases against the local police officers such as "sons of ..." and other similar phrases and on arriving at the Civil Guard headquarters, he continued in the same attitude and when the civil guard at the door issue ..., Braulio O. H., grabbed him, Braulio O. H., he pounced on him, Braulio O. H., the latter lunged at him and they both fell to the ground, injuring Braulio O., who took 3 days to heal without any impediment". The report psychiatric medical report brought to the trial proves that the accused and now appellant has had a serious addiction to alcohol for years, and the extensive test carried out from the time of his arrest, until he passed through the police station, entrance in the police vehicle, etc., shows, without any doubt, that the appellant was completely intoxicated".
(SAP Seville, 10 March 1999; pte. Núñez Vide; ARP 1999, 1066).
How does the perpetrator's drunkenness affect culpability?
I. It is relevant to the facts that the accused Andrés: a) directed some insults at various local police and Guardia Civil officers; b) attacked a Guardia Civil officer to whom he caused slight injuries; c) the accused has had a serious addiction to alcohol for years and was undoubtedly completely intoxicated.
II. On this basis, the following should be noted.
II.1. La ingesta de alcohol no hizo desaparecer el uso de pautas en su proceder, de tal modo que podemos hablar todavía de un proceso humano susceptible de autocontrol. Hay un mínimo de autocontrol como se evidencia en la profusión de insultos y el abalanzarse contra Braulio. Podía haberlo hecho contra otras personas, pero precisamente se dedica reiteradamente a insultar a esas y a golpear a una de ellas. Por otro lado, nada se dice que se cayera sobre Braulio, sino que se abalanzó sobre él, lo cual hace desaparecer toda posibilidad de una fuerza irresistible, y nos sitúa más bien en el ámbito de la conducta humana. A pesar de la embriaguez, se percibe un mínimo de autocontrol en Andrés que lleva a considerar el proceso humano en el que se ve inmerso como una conducta humana y susceptible de autocontrol. Lo cual no quita que la embriaguez afecte a su responsabilidad (será tratado en el lugar oportuno).
II.2. Los episodios arriba seleccionados con las letras a) y b) nos ayudarán a diferenciar la diversa relevancia típica de cada uno. En cuanto a lo señalado sub a), proferir insultos contra una persona constituye una conducta que porta un significado delictivo como injuria, pues puede menoscabar su fama o su propia estimación. Que la persona ofendida sea un agente de la autoridad no quiere decir que carezca de fama o de propia estimación, por lo que proferir insultos contra ella es también algo injurioso (art. 208). No se trata de un delito que exija la producción de un resultado separado de la conducta, sino de un tipo de mera actividad. Luego si se constata que Andrés profirió esas palabras, en un contexto como el descrito, contra concretas personas, puede entenderse que constituyen expresiones injuriosas. Entiendo que, por la entidad y reiteración de los insultos, las injurias pueden considerarse como graves y, por tanto, como típicas (art. 208.II).
En cuanto a lo señalado sub b), acometer violentamente a un agente de la autoridad puede ser constitutivo del delito de atentado, también de mera actividad, consistente en atacar a agentes de la autoridad (art. 550). Si entendemos que abalanzarse contra una persona con tal fuerza que se le echa por tierra y resulta lesionado (aunque levemente) requiere recurrir a la fuerza física, estamos en presencia de violencia, que es uno de los medios de comisión del delito de atentado: luego su conducta realiza el riesgo propio de tal delito, es típica como atentado en el plano objetivo. Para este delito no es imprescindible la producción de menoscabos físicos, pero sí lo es para el de lesiones. En efecto, el mismo golpe contra Braulio sería constitutivo, además, de un riesgo de lesiones; estamos ahora ante un delito de resultado, en el que además de la causalidad (que aquí no es posible poner en duda) se exige crear un riesgo típicamente relevante de menoscabar la integridad física o psíquica de una persona, y que dicho riesgo se realice en el resultado. Pues bien, entendemos que echar por tierra a una persona es constitutivo de un riesgo relevante para afectar a la salud física (arts. 147 ss.). Y es dicho riesgo el que se plasma en el resultado, pues no se dice nada de que un tercero o la propia víctima se entrometieran creando un nuevo riesgo. Procede entonces afirmar también la tipicidad objetiva de una infracción de lesiones. Que tardase en curar poco tiempo puede hacer defendible que dicha infracción no sería constitutiva de un delito grave de lesiones, pero sí de uno leve (art. 147.3). Ambas infracciones (atentado y lesiones) se han producido con uno y el mismo golpe, de manera que puede entenderse que se ataca a dos bienes jurídicos (integridad y autoridad) de una vez. Nos encontramos ante una situación en la que aplicar los dos delitos cumulativamente puede ser excesivo, y dejar de aplicar alguno de los dos puede ser escaso. Sin embargo, es claro que ha atacado a ambas realidades jurídicas. Entra entonces en juego la figura del concurso ideal de delitos, de manera que la pena de la infracción más grave se agravaría (mitad superior de la pena más grave: art. 77.2), salvo que entonces la pena fuera superior a la que resultaría de castigar por separado, en cuyo caso se sancionarán por separado. Pues bien, si tenemos en cuenta que el delito leve de lesiones lleva consigo una pena únicamente de multa (de uno a dos meses), y el atentado una de prisión (de seis meses a tres años: art. 550.2), habrá que sancionar por separado (art. 77.2). Por tanto, la conducta de Andrés realiza el tipo objetivo de injurias, lesiones y atentado.
En el aspecto subjetivo, cabe afirmar la existencia de dolo, porque Andrés es consciente de que tiene delante a agentes de la autoridad (precisamente solo insulta a estos), y que profiere insultos (nada hace pensar que se avisara a la Policía sin otro motivo), por lo que se representa el riesgo que exigen los tipos, tanto de injurias como de atentado. Algo parecido cabe señalar en cuanto a la lesión de Braulio: no se cayó sobre él, sino que se abalanzó, luego se trataría de un riesgo que él se representaría sin duda. Las conductas de Andrés son también típicas en el aspecto subjetivo.
Cf. SAP Seville, 10 March 1999, in which it can be read: "within the narrow margin of Criminal Law, his conduct is affected by the exonerating circumstance of the article Schools 20.1 and 2 of the Penal Code, given that, evidently, the accused, at the time of carrying out the acts of which he is accused here, his mental state was seriously altered and he could not understand the unlawfulness of what he was doing, given that, as has been pointed out, he was a police officer, the contrary would have no sense or explanation whatsoever. Furthermore, as he was in a state of complete intoxication, number 2 of the same article would also be applicable to him, as mentioned above, which regulates exonerating circumstances".
II.3 . If Andrés had been illegally detained by an unlawful person, he would be protected by the law to defend himself and repel the aggression. But nothing is said about this, so we have to consider the unlawfulness of the conduct.
II.4 . Andrés' guilt can, however, be disputed. We know that culpability requires imputability, knowledge of the prohibition, and the enforceability of other conduct. It is doubtful whether Andres was imputable at the time of the events. In fact, the report expert report states that the accused has had a serious addiction to alcohol for years and was undoubtedly completely intoxicated. A person in such a condition is not capable of knowing the normative guidelines for his actions, nor is he likely to be guided by those guidelines. That the process in which he is immersed is considered human conduct precisely because it was susceptible to self-control does not mean that this self-control is also fully governed by legal or moral standards of conduct. Specifically, Andrés insults, and he knows that he insults, but at that precise moment he lacks the moral resources to choose to respect people instead of offending them: he seems impervious to legal rules, as to any moral rule . For these cases, the law provides for the agent's non-liability due to lack of responsibility (art. 20.2.º), unless he had provoked it or should have avoided it. If the data of the case were more detailed, we could discuss whether Andrés should have avoided falling into drunkenness (which is quite defensible, and then give entrance to the structure of extraordinary imputation of the actio libera in causa, the precepts of the incomplete exonerating circumstance, art. 21.1, or the mitigating circumstance of serious addiction, art. 21.2). In view only of what is said in these facts (something is said: serious addiction to alcohol), we are in favour of exemption of guilt due to unaccountability. In other words, Andrés is considered unimputable for his conduct.
III. Andrés carried out the typical offences of insult, injury and assault, for which, however, he is not guilty due to the drunkenness he was suffering from at the time of the offence, so he will be sentenced to Exempt , but security measures will be applied to him (of detoxification: art. 102).
We are not surprised by the possibility of making manager a subject despite a defect that would prevent the imputation (C.33, C.51for example). The extraordinary imputation structure known under the expression actio libera in (sua) cause allows for liability to be attributed. But in which cases can it be established and under what conditions? The case in which drunkenness is provoked in order to commit a crime cannot be treated in the same way as one in which drunkenness is provoked in order to commit a crime. Moreover, its effects can be seen both on imputability and on other categories of crime theory. Combining both factors, it is possible to arrive at an ordering of the various situations. Thus, i) it is possible that the ingestion is of substances of such characteristics (in quantity and quality) as to exclude the conduct itself; as will be the case, for example, if it causes a state of lethargic intoxication (ethyl coma), unless it was provoked or foreseeable. It is also possible ii) that the ingestion alters sensory perception and produces errors in the agent that affect subjective imputation; thus, if it gives rise to a loss of reflexes, blurred vision, drowsiness, etc., which leads to the rules of experience or miscalculations not being applied, all of which could already have effects in terms of subjective imputation (error of subject of a foreseeable nature, punishable, where appropriate, as recklessness). But also iii) it is possible that the ingestion affects culpability, specifically imputability; and then it can make it disappear (exonerating circumstance), reduce it very significantly but without making it disappear (incomplete exonerating circumstance), reduce it significantly (highly qualified mitigating circumstance), reduce it slightly (simple mitigating circumstance) or not even have any consequence at all due to the weak effects of its effects. Of course, in all three cases, it is also necessary that the agent did not cause the intoxication, as well as not having foreseen or should have foreseen it.
Affects: | Conduct | Subjective typicality | Guilt |
Maliciously provoked | Ordinary allocation: (i) | Ordinary charge: malice aforethought | Ordinary charge: no exoneration |
Foreseeable | Extraordinary charge: i) | Extraordinary imputation: (ii) | Extraordinary imputation: (iii) |
Fortuitous | Non-imputation | Non-imputation | Non-imputation |
This "ubiquity" of effects and the possibility of extraordinary imputation (via actio libera in causa) is also perceived in other cases, as we will see below in C.104.