




Transparencia Portlet

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Title Code of transcript Funder Beneficiary Entity Call for applications Date of award Amount Awarded Other Funds
Natural Language Processing and Personalized Medicine. 0011-4001-2023-000071 GOVERNMENT OF NAVARRA University of Navarra 2023 GN Investigo 15-09-2023 33.003,92€ MRR Funds
Preprocessing, cleaning and engineering of data 0011-4001-2023-000072 GOVERNMENT OF NAVARRA University of Navarra 2023 GN Investigo 15-09-2023 33.003,92€ MRR Funds
Blood as energy source to power smart cardiac devices (BLOOD2POWER) HORIZON-EIC-2022-PATHFINDERCHALLENGES-01-04 EUROPEAN COMMISSION University of Navarra HORIZON-EIC-2022-PATHFINDERCHALLENGES-01 01-09-2023 593.195,00€ -
Digital Railway Twins: Transfer from knowledge between physical models and models derived from data PUE_2023_1_0005 EUSKO JAURLARITZA - BASQUE GOVERNMENT University of Navarra Projects of research University-business 2023-2024 01-09-2023 50.000,00€ -
Valorization of household and pruning vegetable waste in sanitary and agricultural fields - REVESAGRI CNTA-EATEX NATIONAL CENTER FOR FOOD TECHNOLOGY AND SAFETY, LABORATORY DEL EBRO University of Navarra 2023 CNTA Eatex Program for the promotion of partnership in actions of research and development+i between Autonomous Communities. 31-08-2023 66.991,64€ -
scholarship from mobility PRX22/00412 MINISTRY OF EDUCATION, CULTURE AND SPORT University of Navarra 2023 MECD mobility SENIOR 30-08-2023 11.353,00€ -
Kabbach, L. CAS22/0300 mobility Castillejo 2022 CAS22/0300 MINISTRY OF EDUCATION, CULTURE AND SPORT University of Navarra 2023 MECD mobility José Castillejo 29-08-2023 11.353,00€ -
Grants mobility Senior 2022 MINISTRY OF EDUCATION, CULTURE AND SPORT University of Navarra 2023 MECD mobility SENIOR 29-08-2023 16.580,00€ -
The governance of environmental, social and governance (ESG) practices: The role of independence in corporate governance. CAS22/00051 MINISTRY OF EDUCATION, CULTURE AND SPORT University of Navarra 2023 MECD mobility José Castillejo 29-08-2023 12.413,00€ -
Long report processes. New multivariate extensions and their applications in time series. PRX22/00072 MINISTRY OF EDUCATION, CULTURE AND SPORT University of Navarra 2023 MECD mobility SENIOR 29-08-2023 11.140,00€ -

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