




Transparencia - Presupuesto 08


reportfrom budget2020/21

Regarding the execution of the previous budget, the statusgenerated by the COVID pandemic has meant an alteration of the plan for the 2019/2020 academic year.

  • On the one hand, there has been a certain increase in expenditure to adapt teachingand the university's facilities to the new conditions necessary for health safety, with various investments in infrastructures and technology. On the other hand, other items have been reduced, such as travel, social gatherings, academic events, congresses, etc.

  • In terms ofincome, the university increased its income compared to the previous academic year by around 4 million euros, although it did not reach the forecast due to the cancellation of activities at the second semesterdue to the pandemic. Thus, the execution in terms of resultaccounting and cash was more positive than expected.

Regarding budget for the 2020-2021 academic year:

  • With regard to the income forecast for this academic year, an increase is foreseen for professor, the most important item of the University of Navarra's budget(more than 85% of the total). This increase, of some 4.3 million euros, is due to the increase in the number of students enrolled with respect to previous years, especially in Degree. This includes a special scholarship and aid plan for students at Master's Degreeand Degree. As for the rest of the items, a maintenance or slight decrease is expected.

  • On the expenditure side, staff, which accounts for more than 60% of the university's expense, is expected to increase by around two million euros, mainly due to the increase in teaching staff and staffadministration and services staff required to cater for the higher number of students issue. For the same reason, an increase in the university's activity costs is expected, especially in the external services heading. The University has also planned a major effort in cleaning, adaptation of spaces and other COVID measures, with a value of 1.8 million euros.

  • In terms of investment, up to four million euros is also planned for this academic year to, among other things, continue the improvement of facilities and increase health safety.

sourceEconomic Administration Service.