Institute for Culture and SocietyParticipation in activities in other centers and universities (September 2021)
ICS researchers and collaborators participated online and in person in activities organized by institutions in Germany, Argentina, Colombia, Slovenia, Spain, the United States, India, Italy and Switzerland.
01 | 10 | 2021
ATLANTES Palliative Care
Carlos Centeno attended the General Assembly of members of the Pontifical Academy for Life entitled 'Public Health in Global Perspective. The Case of Covid19', (29/09/2021, Rome, Italy).
He also attended the 24th Supportive & Palliative Care Clinical and Research Symposium organized by The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, (24-25/09/2021, Houston, USA).
Creativity and Cultural Heritage
Julia Pavón participated in the Cycle 'Ways of St. James of Navarra. De todos, para todos' Xacobeo 2021, organized by the Casa de Cultura Fray Diego, with the discussion paper 'Las órdenes hospitalarias en el Camino', (2/09/2021, Estella, Spain).
In addition, he offered the virtual lecture 'La historiografía sobre la historia de la muerte. Balance and future perspectives' at the IV meeting Calima of the School de Philosophy y Letras, Universidad Nacional de Cuyo, (15/09/2021, Mendoza, Argentina).
Emotional culture and identity
Ana Marta González gave the session 'Truth, Beyond Technocracy and Populism' at the WorkshopTruth and Post-Truth in Communication, average and Society organized by the Pontifical Academy of Social Sciences, (13-14/09/2021, Rome, Italy).
Public discourse
Ruth Breeze attended virtually the lecture New Populism and Responses of the 21st Century organized by CHRIST (Deemed to be University) and The University of Toledo where he presented the discussion paper 'Emotion in Populism', (24-25/09/2021, Bangalore, India).
Dámaso Izquierdo delivered the paper 'Transferring expertise on epistemic modality, evidentiality and related notions to defamation: a case study' at the 3rd ILLA Focus Conference on Forensic Linguistics organized by the International International Language and Law Association (ILLA) and the University of Alicante, (6/09/2021, Sieguen, Germany).
Eleonora Esposito participated virtually in the 4th EUROPEAN CONFERENCE ON DOMESTIC VIOLENCE with the discussion paper 'Female genital mutilation: estimating girls at risk in the EU', (13-15/09/2021, Ljubljana, Slovenia).
Education of Affectivity and Human Sexuality
Silvia Carlos attended the XXXIX Annual meeting of the Spanish Society of Epidemiology (SEE), XVI Congresso da Associação Portuguesa de Epidemiologia (APE) and XIX congress of the Spanish Society of Public Health and Health Administration (SESPAS) "Evidencias para pandemias" held at the University of León. There he presented two posters 'Self-Reported Sexually Transmitted Infections among Okapi Cohort Participants in Kinshasa' and 'Use of the Internet in Kinshasa among Okapi Cohort Participants', (7-10/09/2021, León, Spain).
José Ignacio Murillo gave the online session 'Can we read the mind or control behavior? Aportes de Tomás de Aquino al discussion de los neuroderechos' during the XLV Semana Tomista 'La razón y los órdenes de la racionalidad' organized by the Sociedad Tomista Argentina (7-8/09/2021, Buenos Aires, Argentina).
He also participated virtually with Javier Bernácer at the Fuller Theological Seminars: Thomistic Psychology where they offered the joint discussion paper 'The contribution of the Aristotelian notion of habit to current neuroscience' (23/09/2021, Houston, USA).
Bernácer also attended the forum 'The Neuroscience Summit' organized by The Neuroscience School of Advanced Studies, (5-7/09/2021, Crans-Montana, Switzerland).
José Manuel Muñoz attended the virtual roundtable "Science and Ethics" of the Centro de Pensamiento sobre Ciencia, Tecnología y Sociedad (SOCITEC), (29/09/2021, Bogotá, Colombia).
Navarra Center for International Development
Raul Bajo attended the Annual Energy Summit - Electrification and Decarbonization: Pathways to a New Energy Future, organized by the Baker Institute for Public Policy, (09/29/2021, Houston, USA).
Religion and Civil Society
Mercedes Montero presented the invited paper 'profile historical of the women of Opus Dei, 1930-1950' at the congress of the association of Contemporary History "La Historia habitada" at the University of Cordoba, (9/09/2021, Cordoba, Spain).
Chair Álvaro D'Ors
Álex Corona attended online the international congress 'Why can the dead do such great things? The making of saints in late antique North Africa', organized by the RomanIslam - Center for Comparative Empire and Transcultural Studies of the Universität Hamburg (22-23/09/2021, Hamburg, Germany).
Mª Cruz Díaz de Terán gave the online session 'training en igualdad en la escuela' at the high school Pineda within conference initial training for the staff professor and not professor in the programs of its Equality Plan, (1/09/2021, Hospitalet de Llobregat, Spain).
He also gave a paper on 'The use of predictive technologies in justice systems' at the Course on Criminology and Artificial Intelligence organized by the UNED-Pamplona, (20/09/2021, Pamplona, Spain).