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Poverty and exclusion are a reality in the capital city of Navarre

The director of Cáritas Diocesana in Pamplona, Ángel Iriarte, has given a session at the University of Navarra within the Course of volunteer activities Social of Tantaka.

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Ángel Iriarte, director of Cáritas Diocesana in Pamplona, during the session given to Tantaka volunteers. PHOTO: Mariaje Ruiz
03/04/18 09:58 Andres Juarez

Pamplona, March 28. "Poverty and exclusion are a reality that exists in the capital of Navarra", said the director of Caritas of the delegation of Pamplona and Tudela, Angel Iriarte, during a session with volunteers from Tantaka. In the words of Iriarte, "no one is free from entering a status of exclusion".

"When we talk about poverty and exclusion, it seems that we are talking about a very distant reality, but they are people like us," Iriarte stressed. In this line, the director of Caritas in Pamplona explained to the attendees that the organization estimates that in Navarra there are almost 15% of people at risk of poverty. A figure that for him should be considered scandalous in a region as economically advanced as Navarra.

This session is part of Tantaka's volunteer activities Social Course. An activity that seeks to impart a basic training to volunteers who collaborate in the various projects of the Solidarity Time Bank of the University of Navarra, Tantaka, while covering issues of human and social interest such as care for the sick or elderly, immigration, poverty, social integration, among others.

The week of training was also attended by Teresa Gutiérrez Alemán, coordinator of the basketball team with children of immigrants from Tantaka; Santiago Martínez, professor of History at the University and coordinator of the Agrupación Universitaria por Oriente Medio Medio (AUNOM); the professor of School of Education and psychology, Maica González; and the chaplain of School of Pharmacy and Nutrition, Juan Carlos Martín.



