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The University launches the VI edition of competition of Vidiomas videos, aimed at students in the 4th year of ESO (ESO) and high school diploma

This year's theme is "A museum in your city" and the aim is to promote languages, communication and new technologies.

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Poster of the VI edition of the contest Vidiomas PHOTO: Courtesy
04/03/19 11:40 Chus Cantalapiedra

The University of Navarra has launched the VI edition of competition of Vidiomas videoson this occasion focused on "A museum in your city".. Organized by ISSA School of Management Assistants at partnership with the University of Navarra Museumis aimed at students in the 4th year of ESO and high school diploma from all over Spain.

In order to participate, students must submit a video in English, French or German, with the theme focusing on a museum of their choice in their city or region.

The goal of competition is that students put in internship the languages, improve your communication skills, learn to work as a team and use the new technologiessubjects taught in the Degree at attendance de Dirección-Management Assistant. The deadline of registration ends on March 17 although videos can be submitted until 29 April.

Each member of the winning team and the supervisor of work will be presented with an Amazon gift card worth 100 euros, as well as a "creative workshop" for an entire class at the University of Navarra Museum. In addition, all the works submitted to the contest will be entered into a drawing for a pack (accommodation + four-day course) to participate in the VIII Edition of The World Of Business.

More than 1,400 students in the five previous editions of this event

In the five previous editions of Vidiomas the following have participated more than 1,400 students from around thirty schools from all over Spain. Last year, whose central topic was "Music in your city", the winner was the high school Almedina de Córdoba with its work "Flamenco, the Soul of Córdoba"..

More information and registration:



