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high school Munabe from Bilbao wins the third edition of VIDIOMAS

The winning video portrays Bilbao's Gran Vía through a speech in English elaborated by two 4th ESO students.

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11/05/16 21:49 Paula Zubiaur

After a difficult deliberation, the VIDIOMAS jury has decided that the best finalist video of the third edition of the contest organized by ISSA School of Management Assistants - University of Navarra is work on Bilbao's Gran Vía, elaborated by Pablo Amoros and Martín Ruiz, two 4th year ESO students from high school Munabe in Bilbao.

All the members of the jury highlighted the naturalness of speech, reflecting a good level of English. "They portray different topics. Although there are some grammatical mistakes, they try to introduce technical vocabulary and there is a mastery of pronunciation, which in this case is American," said Alice Otano, English teacher at C2 level at ISSA School of Management Assistants. Mari Carmen Erviti, teacher of Oral and Written Communication I in the first year of Degree at attendance Management, also highlighted the naturalness of speech, whose fluency, intonation and expressiveness "are very good".

The jury also wants to recognize two aspects of the two finalist videos. The Communication and Marketing campaign carried out by the members of group Ahlzahir of high school Ahlzahir in Cordoba, whose work has been promoted by the official channel of the center (Audiovisuales Ahlzahir) and got almost 1,300 votes on YouTube; and also recognize the work made by the students of the Gemini team belonging to high school Corazón de María in Zamora, for its staging and for being the best technically elaborated video of the whole contest.

The winners of Vidiomas, as well as the tutor that has guided their work, have been awarded with an electronic tablet, which they will soon receive in their center educational. Likewise, the work on Cardenal Quiroga street, made by three students of high school Divina Pastora de Ourense, has result winner of the draw. Each one will receive a kit (accommodation + course) to participate in the three-day summer course in English The World Of Business

All the works submitted to VIDIOMAS will receive this week, through the teachers who have guided the team works, a file with the particular evaluation of their work. The best videos will also receive different awards, which will be notified in the same contest form.

In total, more than 300 students have submitted their work to the third edition of Vidiomas, a video contest in English, French and German promoted by ISSA School of Management Assistants to promote languages, communication skills, work teamwork and new technologies among school students in Spain.

Of all the videos submitted, ten made it to the final, selected from among the most voted videos on YouTube. One of the finalists was produced in German, another in French and the remaining eight in English, including the winner.



