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BBVA awards one of its solidarity projects to the CIMA

The bank's employees chose the research on Alzheimer's disease of CIMA and a program of sheltered apartments of the AECC Navarra, among the projects presented to the BBVA's "Territorios solidarios" campaign.

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PHOTO: Manuel Castells
05/03/15 17:18 Mª Pilar Huarte

Luis Borra, director BBVA in Navarra and La Rioja, has made submission of two of the prizes of the third edition of Territorios Solidarios' (Solidarity Territories) to research center Médica Aplicada (CIMA ) of the University of Navarra and to association Española Contra el Cáncer (aecc) for the projects 'Estrategias terapéuticas para vencer el alzhéimer' and 'Pisos de acogida para pacientes oncológicos', respectively.

Yolanda Martínez, BBVA's northern commercial director, highlighted during submission "the enormous involvement of the Bank's employees, which has made this initiative a success. Once again, 'Territorios solidarios' has allowed us to democratize the bank's social action and bring a corporate decision closer to all our employees. The closeness of the projects and the strong commitment of the bank's employees has once again been exemplary".

"We are very grateful to all the employees and retirees of BBVA Navarra for supporting the research that we develop at the CIMA of the University of Navarra. Their financial aid encourages us to continue searching for therapeutic solutions to improve the quality of life of people with Alzheimer's disease and their families," said Jorge Larena, director of development Institutional CIMA.

Third edition of 'Territorios solidarios' (Solidarity Territories)

Territorios Solidarios' seeks to detect local social needs through the commitment of all BBVA employees, early retirees and retirees in Spain, as they are the ones who propose and choose the projects that the Bank will finance as part of its business plan manager.

In Spain, more than fourteen thousand employees have been involved in this third edition of 'Territorios solidarios'; in May and June, during the initial phase, detecting opportunities to collaborate in their immediate environment, to subsequently invite the organizations that meet those needs to project; and finally, in October, mobilizing other employees to make it possible with their vote for the chosen entity to obtain the award.

Territorios solidarios' was born three years ago with the idea of responding to the needs of the smallest localities, "becoming a piece core topic of our commitment to the smallest social nuclei".



