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"Together we can face the challenges facing Navarre, such as ageing, social inequalities and new forms of governance".

Luis Campos, Dean of the high school of Sociology of Navarra, participates in the I laboratory Social Citizen, held at the Public University of Navarra and the University of Navarra.

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Around 40 people participated in the prototyping of projects with impact for Navarre
PHOTO: Natalia Rouzaut
06/06/19 15:53 Isabel Solana

"Together we can face the challenges that Navarre has ahead linked to aging, social inequalities and new models of governance, among others". This was the opinion of Luis Campos, Dean of the high school of Sociology and Political Science of Navarra, at the framework of the I laboratory Social Citizen of the region, organized by this institution together with I-COMMUNITAS of the Public University of Navarra (UPNA) and the Institute for Culture and Society (ICS) of the University of Navarra.

The event was attended by 40 people with different characteristics - researchers, professionals, members of associations, citizens, etc. - who worked collectively on five projects.-, who have worked collectively on five projects: 'Innovative models of management in senior residences', 'Atalaya/Mirador (from public data to collective intelligence)', 'Cohousing/Covivienda: una alternativa de convivencia para la etapa senior', 'development de un programa de análisis y assessment para fomentar la autoconsciencia y la proyección de futuro en adolescentes en riesgo de exclusión' and 'Redes informales de cuidados y de sostenimiento de la comunidad / Vidas "barriales", vidas urbanas'.

Among the attendees was Iosu Osta, from Etxekonak, the institution that has raised the co-housing project . "The third age is a challenge of the whole West: more and more people are living longer and are more lonely. We propose life projects in which people can maintain their individuality and at the same time deal with loneliness in a positive way, in good company," he explained. He was encouraged to participate in the laboratory with the goal to enrich the proposal with new perspectives and to listen to possible criticisms, and his expectations have been met.

Public and private support to implement proposals

Alexandra Martínez, a doctoral student in Sociology at the UPNA, joined group on informal care networks because of the relationship with her thesis , on new masculinities and fatherhoods. "The extended family network is core topic so that mothers and fathers can reconcile work and family," she commented. At laboratory she has been able to contribute her vision and, at the same time, find useful ideas for her doctorate, she says.

Luis Campos explained that starting in September the high school will begin to put in order the ideas that have been worked on during the first edition of the laboratory to project them to society. "We hope to count on the complicity of the public administration, private companies and social entities to find technical and economic support to materialize the conclusions," he said.

The initiative has been supported by the Government of Navarra through the Citizen Attention and Participation Service of the department of Citizen and Institutional Relations. It will be present at the I meeting of Innovators and Social Innovators of Navarra and aspires to be chosen among the three projects that best represent social innovation in Navarra.



