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Back to 20020208La Universidad de Navarra celebra un curso para responsables de calidad de conserveras navarras

The University holds a course for quality managers of Navarre's canneries

Addresses the latest developments in microbiological quality control used by the canning industry to ensure that its products are stable.

08/02/02 17:09

The department of Microbiology of the University of Navarra has organized a course on "Advanced Microbiology" aimed at technical quality managers of vegetable canning industries in Navarra. The goal, as explained Isabel García Jalón, vice-dean of the School of Sciences and professor of Microbiology and food hygiene, is "to present the latest developments in microbiological quality control used by the canning industry to ensure that their products are stable".

This continuous training course , which lasts until February 14, was requested by AGRUCON (Spanish Association of Canned Vegetable Manufacturers) to department of Microbiology. According to Professor García Jalón, "the food industry, through technological processes, provides healthy and stable foods, that is, foods that remain unspoiled for a long time". "Microorganisms are the main causes of food alterations and, therefore, microbiological control is essential," she explained. "In this sense," added Professor García Jalón, "advances in the rapid detection of microorganisms are continuous because the food industry needs to have the results of their analysis quickly."

The area of Food Microbiology of the department of Microbiology of the University of Navarra collaborates continuously with food industries in Navarra. "This course is one more manifestation of the partnership between both parties. We think it is a good way to contribute to the training of microbiologists working in the food industry," he said.

Sessions of laboratory

Eight lectures will be given during the "Advanced Microbiology" course. Four of them will deal with "Hygiene in the food industry: water, cleaning products and disinfectants" and the other four will be dedicated to "Microbiology of vegetables. Technological processes and control of critical points. Main alterations and detection methods". In addition, there will be eight sessions at laboratory in which participants will isolate and identify microorganisms that alter vegetable preserves, study the efficacy of different disinfectants and carry out environmental and water controls.

According to Professor García Jalón, "the group of attendees is reduced since the purpose consists of attending individually to the demands of each one and creating a participatory environment".

This is the second time this course has been held. Last year it was dedicated to "Pathogenic Bacteria in Food" and "Quality of Microbiology laboratory ". "It was very well received. The interests and concerns of the different participants were discussed and, to a large extent, this second edition has arisen from the needs raised in the first one," commented Isabel García Jalón.



