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La Perinola', GRISO's magazine of research quevediana, positively evaluated by the Spanish Foundation for Science and Technology.

With its 14 published volumes, it is the main organ of communication for all quevedistas.

09/02/11 09:58
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The Spanish Foundation for Science and Technology (FECYT) has just evaluated positively the scientific quality of La Perinola. Revista de research quevediana, published by the group de research Siglo de Oro (GRISO) of the University of Navarra. La Perinola, which has been published annually since 1997, reached issue 14 in 2010, and issue 15, corresponding to 2011, is currently in press. It is the only journal of research dedicated exclusively to Quevedo; it is conceived, since its inception, as an organ of communication of Quevedo scholars and an instrument at the service of all, and its fundamental assumptions are openness and scientific rigor. Its director is Ignacio Arellano and its secretary is Enrique Duarte, and it has a select issue of members and a scientific committee advisor formed by outstanding Quevedo scholars from Spain, Germany, England, France, Italy, Mexico, United States, Canada and Japan.

Participation in the project
I3Cand the RECYT platform

The FECYT call to evaluate the quality of Spanish scientific journals has been carried out in coordination with the project I3C, 'Índice Iberoamericano de research y knowledge' of the MICINN (Ministry of Science and Innovation). Perinola has passed the phases of pre-assessment, of assessment of basic criteria, of assessment of general criteria and, finally, of assessment of scientific quality. In this last phase, the most important, the committee of assessment of FECYT has requested the opinion of a committee of experts in all areas of knowledge, in order to select those journals with the best chances of competing on the international scene. area Thus, both the Degree of skill and the opportunities to position themselves in the market have been evaluated. Having passed this process of assessment of scientific quality, La Perinola will participate in RECYT, a platform for editing and electronic publication of scientific journals based on Open Journal Systems, as well as in the infrastructure of project I3C, when it is launched.



