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A project of the University of Navarra investigates how to improve the safety and efficiency of patient care.

The research multidisciplinary led by the School of Nursing has the scholarship 'Ignacio Hernando de Larramendi' of the Mapfre Foundation.

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María Jesús Pumar-Méndez
PHOTO: Manuel Castells
09/10/15 11:48 Miriam Salcedo

A project of the University of Navarra is investigating how to improve the safety and efficiency of patient care. This is a project multidisciplinary led by the School of Nursing with the scholarship 'Ignacio Hernando de Larramendi' of research in patient safety of the Mapfre Foundation.

The study highlights the need to promote a mode of standardization of care that, while eliminating arbitrariness in the clinical internship , allows respecting the status and individual needs of patients. Its goal is to identify and analyze the factors that influence the decision making of nursing professionals in relation to the appropriate use of the protocols established for the clinical internship .

María Jesús Pumar-Méndez, principal investigator of the project and member of the School de Enfermería and the high school de research Sanitaria de Navarra (IDISNA), affirms that the results of the project "will allow the development of tailor-made programs aimed at reducing the unjustified variability of the internship clinic. This will increase the quality of the care provided and patient safety, improve patient and professional satisfaction, and optimize efficiency in the healthcare expense ".

In addition, according to the expert, "this knowledge can be included in the university teaching of Degree and postgraduate program contributing to improve the training of future professionals".

This project is framed within the line of research "Innovation for a person-centered care" of the School and is part of the doctoral thesis performed by Mónica Vázquez-Calatayud. It is being carried out at the Clínica Universidad de Navarra with the partnership of nurses, physicians and an economist, also from the University of Navarra.



