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thesis at the University on Peter Drucker, philosopher of business management

Corporate governance that overrides human spontaneity will succumb to its own bureaucracy.

11/02/00 12:09

"Any governance or business management that lacks a supporting theory has little chance of being effective in today's knowledge society."

This is what, according to Rafael Mies Moreno, is at the basis of the thinking of Peter Drucker, one of the most important management philosophers of the 20th century. Professor Mies has defended his thesis at the School of Philosophy and Letters of the University of Navarra.

As he explains in his research - entitled "Corporate governance. knowledge and action in Peter F. Drucker" -, for the thinker, "a management management that reduces corporate governance to the mere following of a theory and leaves no room for the spontaneity of human action is equally destined to succumb under its own bureaucracy".

Not just theory, not just internship

The topic President of the research, qualified with A cum laude, aims to highlight how in Peter Drucker's work the concepts of knowledge and action are always found united within a single theory and in reference letter to corporate governance; therefore, the new doctor points out that "the study proposes how knowledge and action, that is, theory and internship, are realities that have traditionally been considered antagonistic. However, in Drucker we find a different way of dealing with this tension. For him, they are terms that require and support each other".

Rafael Mies highlights how, in Drucker's thinking, neither the purely internship dimension nor the purely theoretical dimension alone is sufficient for the proper exercise of corporate governance.



