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Curriculum vitae of concert conductor and composer Inma Shara and violin soloist Shlomo Mintz

15/12/11 16:08

Curriculum vitae concert director and composer: Inma Shara

Inma Shara in concert.
Photo: loaned.

Inma Shara is considered one of the most brilliant representatives of the new generation of conductors in Spain. She has conducted the most important Spanish symphony orchestras and some of the best orchestras in the world, such as the London Philharmonic Orchestra, the Israel Philharmonic Orchestra and the London City Chamber Orchestra. He has also conducted, among many other orchestras, the Czech National Symphony, the Russian National Symphony, the London Royal Philharmonic, the Rome Symphony, the Taiwan National Symphony Orchestra, the Milan Symphony, the Suisse Romande Orchestra (Switzerland), the Lithuanian Symphony, the Latvian National Symphony, the Reggio di Parma Theatre Symphony Orchestra, the Carlo Felicce Theatre Orchestra, the National Symphony Orchestra of Ukraine, etc. He has also collaborated with great soloists such as Mischa Maisky or Boris Berezovsky, among others.

Her facet of submission and commitment to society through music stands out, as she has conducted numerous concerts for non-profit organizations: organizations committed to children, with diseases such as cancer, tribute concerts for victims of terrorism, etc.

The prestigious Swiss watch brand Vacheron Constantin, patron of young talents, has chosen Inma Shara as its new global image and cultural ambassador for the coming years. As a result of the partnership with this brand, Inma Shara conducted a concert in Madrid, whose benefits were entirely destined to the Queen Sofia Foundation for the project Alzheimer, which was attended by Her Majesty Queen Sofia attendance . Her facet of submission and commitment to society through music stands out, as she has conducted numerous concerts for non-profit organizations: organizations committed to children, with diseases such as cancer, concerts tribute to victims of terrorism, etc.
In December 2008, she conducted at the Vatican, with great success, a concert presided by H.H. Pope Benedict XVI which marked the celebration of the 60th Anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

Recently, she has been awarded with the award to the European Excellence for her international projection and her contribution to the classical music. She has also been named "Honorary Ambassador of the Spain Brand", a prestigious award awarded by the Leading Brands Forum for being one of the most brilliant representatives of the new generation of conductors in Spain and for her professional career. She was also invited by the European Commission and the SEEI to conduct the concert of the "European Youth Orchestra" at the closing of the Europe Day at the World Expo in Shanghai (2010).
With Sony Music he has released several successful recording projects, the last of which will be released at the end of 2011.

Curriculum vitae violin soloist: Shlomo Mintz

Violinist Shlomo Mintz.
Photo: loaned

Critics, colleagues and audiences regard Shlomo Mintz as one of today's leading violinists, esteemed for his impeccable musicianship, stylistic versatility and unparalleled technique. Mintz appears regularly with the most celebrated orchestras and conductors on the international scene and is heard in recitals and chamber music concerts around the world. He also frequently performs as principal violinist with chamber orchestras as well as in recital.

Shlomo Mintz has received prestigious awards such as the award Accademia Musicale Chigiana, the Diapason d'Or, the Grand Prix du Disque, the Gramophone Award and the award Edison. Since 2004 he has been recording for the AVIE label, London.

Born in Moscow in 1957, he emigrated with his family at the age of two to Israel, where he studied with the renowned Ilona Feher. At the age of 11, he was already performing with the Israel Philharmonic. He made his Carnegie Hall debut at the age of 16 with the Pittsburgh Symphony Orchestra. Later he began his programs of study with Dorothy DeLay at the Juilliard School of Music. At the age of 18, Shlomo Mintz added the role of director to his work as an artist. Since then he has conducted acclaimed orchestras and is advisor of the Israel Chamber Orchestra and Artistic Advisor and Director Principal Guest of the Maastricht Symphony. He is also Director Principal Guest of the Zagreb Philharmonic Orchestra. Shlomo Mintz is the patron saint and one of the founders of the Keshet Eilon International Violin Mastercourse in Israel, and teaches master classes all over the world.



