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Navarre and Indiana Universities offer a novel course on the economic impact of health policies

The program will be taught between May 24 and June 18 at position by prestigious U.S. professors at area on economic and health policy.

17/05/10 08:37
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The course will address the economic impact of health policies and economies in Europe and the USA. PHOTO: Manuel Castells

The Universities of Navarra and Indiana University are offering the first course on the economic impact of health policies and economies in Europe and the U.S., aimed at students of health sciences and business and economics.

Taught at partnership with professors from the U.S. School with the best score on health policy issues and Economics , the Economic Evaluation of Health, Safety and Environmental Program will be held from May 24 to June 18 at the School of Medicine of the University of Navarra, where students from all over the world from different disciplines will meet.

Professor María Seguí, from department of Preventive Medicine and Public Health of the academic center, explains that the goal of this course consists of exploring a area of application of economic and political tools that have a great impact on the health of individuals and populations, "hence this training is very useful for investigating and predicting the consequences that such policies will have on our health systems".

The 80-hour course, which can earn up to nine elective credits, will also provide an in-depth look at the different methods of assessment used in Europe and the USA and how to critically examine the economic and health policy programs in place.

Finally, the adaptation of academic calendar for Bologna has made it possible for the first time to organize a course at exchange with students from all over the world, the complete program of which is already available at available on



