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Architecture students from the University of Navarra design a leisure time school in the Baluarte de Gonzaga

The works, framed within the subject of Projects, were evaluated by technicians of the Pamplona City Council.

17/05/11 15:00
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Award winners with the jury PHOTO: Manuel Castells

Students of the subject Proyectos I of the School of Architecture of the University of Navarra carried out a project in which they had to design a leisure time school in the Baluarte de Gonzaga, located in the north area of the Taconera gardens.

The activity, framed in the subject of Projects I, was conceived as a competition in which the Pamplona City Council participated as a jury. "When it comes to restoring this space, we will take into account the best proposals," said Enrique Maya, director General Manager of urban planning in the City Council of Pamplona and professor at School of Architecture. "I am pleased to see the very high level of the works presented, even more so knowing that they are made by third-year students," he added.

To carry out this activity, the future architects took as a starting point the hypothetical recovery of the bastion, digging up the moat and joining it to that of the Taconera. One of the conditions for developing the work was to respect the configuration of the current viewpoint promenade, guaranteeing the continuity of the entire Ronda path, in line with the work of recovery and enhancement of the walled complex undertaken by the Pamplona City Council.

The other members of the jury were José Javier López, councilman delegate of area for Strategic Projects, José Vicente Valdenebro, director of area for Strategic Projects, José Ignacio Alfonso, municipal architect, and Juan Miguel Ochotorena, Rubén Alcolea, Jorge Tárrago and Isabel Durá, professors of School of Architecture of the University of Navarra.

3prizes and 5 mentions

The first award went to Jon Irigoyen, who included "a vegetation cover well integrated into the environment, which enhances the value of the recovered walls", in the words of the jury. The second award went to Itziar del Río, whose work stood out for "the elegance in the resolution of all the proposed aspects". The winner of third place was Óscar Aparicio, who opted for "a buried architecture and the resolution of the accesses by means of a grandstand that is incorporated into the outdoor space of the leisure school".

Mentions also went to Guillermo Escolano, Sergio Helguera, Andrea Goñi, Aitziber Iza and Peio González.



