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1,624 University students earn 29,890 hours for the Solidarity Study Olympiad

Every hour of study will be converted into one euro to support the reconstruction of three schools in Manabí (Ecuador).

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PHOTO: Manuel Castells
20/12/16 17:17 Lucía Martínez Alcalde

The University of Navarra has contributed 29,890 hours to the XIV Solidarity Study Olympiadorganized by the ONGD Coopera, Cooperación Internacional and ACTEC. Subsequently, the sponsors of the Olympiad will convert each hour of study into one euro to finance the reconstruction of three schools in Manabí (Ecuador) that were destroyed after the earthquake of April 2016.

Through this campaign, in which 1,624 students from different Schools and schools of the academic center participated , the aim was to raise awareness among young people about the importance of access to Education in underdeveloped countries.

Of the total number of hours added by students of the University of Navarra (29,890 hours), 17,954.5 hours correspond to the libraries of campus in Pamplona (977 participants); 4,569.5 hours to campus in San Sebastián (404 participants); and 7,366 hours to university clubs and halls of residence (243 participants).          

Manabí was the province of Ecuador that suffered the most from last April's earthquake. The three recipient schools of project are the Centro de training Artesanal Ángela Rosa Cevallos, the Escuela de Education Básica Elios Puertas and the high school Sagrada Familia.

"Rebuilding homes is vital, but rebuilding schools is absolutely fundamental so that children can recover normality and resume their programs of study in a period of time that does not jeopardize the effort they have made to date for their training", say from the organization of the Solidarity Study Olympiad.



