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The School of Medicine celebrated the Day of its patron saint, San Lucas

The program of events was full of solidarity actions

22/10/12 08:34
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One of the activities held during the patron saint de Medicina. PHOTO:

On the occasion of the feast of St. Luke, last October 17, the School of Medicine of the University of Navarra celebrated the Day of St. Luke patron saint. The program began with a solemn Mass at the chapel of Sciences, presided over by the chaplain D. Juan Ramón García-Morato, followed by the roundtable "On the front line: University Solidarity", in which six students of this School, and of Philosophy, told in first person the projects in which they have participated this summer in countries such as Cambodia, Sierra Leone, Ethiopia, Ecuador or Kenya, among others.

Afterwards, a solidarity meal was held, which was enlivened by the tuna of Medicine, and from the sale of which more than 500 euros were collected, which will be used to support the cooperation projects and the different activities organized by School, including a solidarity concert. position The subject raw material was provided by the companies Panasa and Embutidos Goikoa.

The program of events closed with the screening of the film "Que te shut up!", starring Gérard Depardieu.



