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Antonio López and Juan José Aquerreta will give the 10th Masters of Figuration Painting Workshop at the University of Chile.

The activity will take place from June 6 to 10 at the Museum of the academic center and deadline of registration ends on April 5.

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The artist during the workshop held last year. PHOTO: Manuel Castells
23/03/16 10:31 Chus Cantalapiedra

The artists Antonio López and Juan José Aquerreta will give the 10th Masters of Figuration Painting Workshop at the University of Navarra from June 6 to 10. The activity, organized by the Service of Cultural Activities Office, will take place in the Museum of the academic center.

Those interested in participating must register before next Tuesday, April 5. Antonio López and Juan José Aquerreta will make the selection of the 25 participants of the workshop, and the list of those admitted will be communicated on May 4.

To register you must fill in the form on the website. In addition, those interested must send an artistic curriculum with a photograph of size ID card, indicating the telephone number, postal address and e-mail address of applicant. Along with the résumé, photographs of two of the author's works in DIN A4 size should be sent to submit . Both the résumé and the works must be submitted in triplicate.

Workshop History

The Service of Cultural Activities Office of the University of Navarra promoted in 2006 the Painting Workshop Masters of Figuration, under the direction of the professor of the University of Navarra, Inmaculada Jiménez. School of Architecture Inmaculada Jiménez. The goal was to create a high-level oil painting workshop at the University of Navarra.

Since its inception, two great figurative artists have participated, Antonio López, award Príncipe de Asturias de las Artes 1985 and award Príncipe de Viana de la Cultura 2012, and Juan José Aquerreta, award Príncipe de Viana de la Cultura 2003.



