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Students from IES Padre Moret-Irubide, IES Mendillorri and Salesianos Pamplona will represent Navarra in a national statistics competition.

22 students participated in the final Navarra phase of the Incubator of Probes and Experiments Contest at the University of Navarre


Students of ESO, high school diploma and training Professional, from six centers, have participated in the final phase of Navarra of the Incubator Contest of Probes and Experiments, held at the University of Navarra. The teams from IES Padre Moret - Irubide, IES Mendillorri and Salesianos Pamplona were the winners and will represent the region in the national phase, to be held in Bilbao from June 26 to 28. 

In the category of high school diploma and Formative Cycle Degree Medium, the winner was Claudia Galhardo, from IES Padre Moret-Irubide for her work '¿C cada vez crecemos más?'. The tutor of project is María Zabalegui. In the category of 3rd-4th of ESO, the winning project was 'Casademont al fallo', by the students of IES Mendillorri Saioa Ibañez, Alba León, Lucía Urrizola and Paula Apesteguía, with their tutor Javier Ortiz.

Hugo López, Alain García, Aitor Garate, Aritz López and Aarón García, from high school Salesianos Pamplona, were the winners in the 1st-2nd ESO category for the work '¿Nos cuesta despegarnos del móvil al student body de Salesianos?', made with the tutor Edurne Subiza

In the Navarre phase of the contest 23 teams participated, of which 22 students were selected to present their work at the University of Navarra: IES Padre Moret - Iturbide, Salesianos Pamplona, IES Mendillorri, high school Miravalles - El Redín, IES Ribera del Arga and IES Navarro Villoslada. In their statistics projects they have dealt with topics such as transport and sustainability, the use of data in sports, recycling, habits of young people and many more. 

The initiative is organized by the Institute of Science of data and Artificial Intelligence (DATAI) of the University, the department of Statistics, Computer Science and Mathematics of the Public University of Navarra and the Institute of Statistics of Navarra. In addition, it has the partnership of the Sociedad Navarra de Profesores de Matemáticas "TORNAMIRA", the department of Education of the Government of Navarra, the Provincial Delegation of INE and Sendaviva.

The table of submission of awards was formed by Rosalía Baena (Vice President of Students of the University of Navarra), Pablo Cebrián (Director of the Institute of Statistics of Navarra), César Berrade (Provincial Delegate of the National Institute of Statistics in Navarra) and Mikel Lacoma (General Manager of Sendaviva).

In addition to qualifying for the national phase to be held in Bilbao next June, the winners received diplomas and tickets to enjoy with their family or friends at Sendaviva Park.



