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The Biobank of the University renews its quality certification from reference letter international

ISO 9001:2015 accredits compliance with procedures throughout the process of management of human specimens

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25/02/19 10:14 Maria del Pilar Huarte

The Biobank of the University of Navarra has obtained the ISO 9001:2015 quality certification, granted by the group of reference letter international SGS. With it, the parameters already included in ISO 9001:2008, whose certificate was obtained in 2016, are renewed. The approach by processes is thus updated, addressing in depth the management of risks and opportunities and the internship of a proactive and committed leadership. "For its achievement, the direct involvement of the Biobank's senior management, represented by Office of the Vice President for Research of the University of Navarra and Management of Cima and of the Clínica Universidad de Navarra, in the design and monitoring of the Biobank's lines of action has been crucial," explains Dr. Mª Antonia Fortuño, director of the Biobank of the University of Navarra.

This certification covers all the Biobank procedures necessary for the collection, processing, storage and transfer of human samples and data to be used for biomedical purposes research . As Dr. Fortuño states, "in the biobank sector, quality is not only a technical requirement inherent to its activity but also represents a legal imperative contained in Royal Decree 1716/2011".

In Spain there are 98 biobanks registered in the National Biobank Registry. Of these, 39 are integrated in the National Biobank Platform network , a cooperative framework promoted by the high school de Salud Carlos III with the aim of providing the Spanish biobank system with a added value for the benefit of the academic community. "For our institution, having renewed this quality certificate reinforces our work of service to society, through the handling of human samples and data for scientific purposes. I would like to make public our deep gratitude to the donors, without whose selfless generosity our activity would not be possible," acknowledges Dr. Fortuño.



