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Liam Gearon and James Arthur visit the university

Liam Gearon, University of Oxford and James Arthur, University of Birmingham taught at School of Education and Psychology.

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From left to right: James Arthur and Liam Gearon. PHOTO: Manuel Catells
26/03/14 11:23 Fina Trèmols

Liam Gearon of the Oxford University taught during the week of February 21-28. He is a lecturer at department of Education. His subject, Education and Arts sample how literature and the visual arts can enrich teaching and learning. With a national and international approach , he was joined by the director of the Museum of the University of NavarraMiguel López Remiro.

He took advantage of his stay to meet with the professors and students of the School: he had lunch with the deans of the School of Education and Psychologyand of Philosophy LettersConcepción Naval and Rosalía Baena, respectively.

He had the opportunity to share his professional experience with the residents of CM Aldaz and with those of CM Belagua. He visited the exhibition Occidens and the most emblematic places in the center of Pamplona, especially those related to Hemingway. He was accompanied by students from Degree and postgraduate program.

He was with Professor Emeritus David Isaacs and with the director of Baluarte, Javier Lacunza, who showed him the facilities and told him about the institution's projects. He was able to greet Ana Costa and Carmen Urpí, teachers of Education Musical and Education Plastic and Audiovisual. He also had a conversation with the director of development of the School of Education and Psychology, Marie Anne Reynell.

For his part, James Arthur, Dean of the School of Education of the University of Birmingham University of Birminghamwas at the University of Navarra from March 1 to 8. His subject, Citizenship and Character Education, sample the relationship between Education Character and Citizenship; these are the keys that will enable young people to play an active role in society.

He had lunch with the dean, Concepción Naval, with the director of development, Marie-Ann Reynell and with the director of department of Education, Charo Repáraz. He also met with the students of the postgraduate programs of Education. She also had the opportunity to share her professional experience with the residents of CM Aldaz and with those of CM Belagua.

He was with the director of the Museum, Miguel López Remiro, with the ICS professor and researcher, Ana Marta González, with the professors Jaime Nubiola, from the School of Philosophy and Letters, and Alfonso Osorio, from the School of Education and Psychology and researcher of the ICS. He visited the facilities of the Library Services of the University. He visited the high school Miravalles where he had the opportunity to meet some teachers and students from different educational stages. And he was able to greet Coro Molinos and Elena Arbués, professors of the School of Education and Psychology. Finally, he visited the exhibition Occidens and the most emblematic places in the center of Pamplona. 



