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University of Navarra professor Miguel Zugasti teaches literature classes in Santa Barbara

The expert participated in a summer course on Hispanic programs of study offered by the University of California.

26/08/10 07:16
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Professor Miguel Zugasti. PHOTO: Manuel Castells

Miguel Zugasti, professor at School of Philosophy and Letters at the University of Navarra, has participated for the fourth consecutive year in a summer course at high school Hispanic at the University of California at Santa Barbara. The expert gave literature classes to the students of the program, which is part of a three-summer Master's Degree on programs of study Hispanic Studies.

The professor was the only one from a Spanish university. Miguel Zugasti taught the subjects "Edad average y Siglo de Oro Español" and "Literatura Colonial de Hispanoamérica", as well as a subject elective subject entitled "Don Quijote", which one hundred percent of the students took: "It's amazing to see how Cervantes' novel is appreciated and valued there," he says.

The conference lasted six weeks and was a total immersion program for the students, with classes, cultural programming, book readings, film screenings, etc. "Students and teachers, with our families, lived in the same housing development and shared various activities," he explains.



