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Álvaro de la Rica awarded the Prix de la Fondation des Treilles in France

The Fondation des Treilles promotes the work researcher at framework of the dialogue between arts and sciences.

25/02/13 16:20
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The prestigious distinction, awarded by an international jury created for this purpose, consists of a stay at the foundation's headquarters, located at department de Var in Provence, France.

The work is framed in the activity of project of research "El withdrawal de la Figuración en las Artes Contemporáneas", of which Álvaro de la Rica is the Principal. Institute for Culture and Societyof which Álvaro de la Rica is researcher Principal.

For three months (March, April and May 2013), Professor de la Rica will devote himself to the final essay of a monograph on the literature and art of the Spanish exile during the Spanish Civil War and the Second World War.

"Some members of the Scientific committee of the Fondation des Treilles, with whom we have maintained a exchange of ideas and initiatives within the project of research of the ICS 'The withdrawal of figuration' suggested me to present my candidacy to award of residency program" Alvaro de la Rica refers, explaining the attribution.

The Fondation des Treilles was created by Anne Gruner-Schlumberger with the goal of promote the work researcher on the framework of the dialogue between the arts and sciences. At its headquarters, international colloquia are organized every week, along with other activities from which residents can benefit as part of their academic training throughout their stay.

"attention to establish a significant relationship between the literary subgenre of the short novel or nouvelle, as a non-unifying and non-totalizing medium, with the impossibility of obtaining a single truth about what happened in Spain in the 1930s, that is, during the Second Republic, the Civil War, the democratic exile and the first years of General Franco's dictatorship," says Professor de la Rica. And he adds, "from this nucleus I intend to develop, in concentric circles, other lines of reflection such as the relations between Spain and France, between reason and faith, the importance of other genres such as the autobiographical essay and the travel book or the presence of the poetic game and innovation in the European artistic avant-gardes".

Professor of Literary Theory and Comparative Literature at the University's School of Communication, Álvaro de la Rica has published monographs on Julien Green (1998), Claudio Magris (2000), José Jiménez Lozano (2006) and Franz Kafka (2009), a work that will be translated and published in France by Editions Gallimard (2013). Director He is a member of Chair Félix Huarte de Estética y Arte Contemporáneo ( since 2003) and Revisiones, a magazine of cultural criticism (since 2005), and in 2012 he published La tercera persona, his first novel, of which two editions have been published to date.



