Politics at speech, popular power in Venezuela and metapolitics in the new French right, some topics of an ICS workshop
It is framed in the project 'Demos' of 'Public discourse', financed by the Ministry of Economics and Competitiveness.
PHOTO: Elena Beltrán
Politics and political programs of study at speech, popular power in Venezuela and metapolitics in the new French right are some of the topics discussed at a workshop organized by the project 'Public discourse' of the Institute for Culture and Society (ICS).
graduate Metapolítica y speech metapolítico: investigaciones conceptuales y empíricas sobre populismo y (anti)democracia', is part of the subproject 'El DEMOS en el imaginario de la nueva política', funded by the Ministry of Economics and Competitiveness.
The term metapolitics, referred to in the activity is understood as the initiative to restructure the public, the institutions, the political and its speech. "Metapolitical projects on different sides of the political spectrum are gaining support and attention. A possible restructuring of the sphere itself is at stake," saysJan Zienkowski, researcher of ICS and one of the organizers of the event.
"In a context marked by a highly mediatized cultural, political and economic crisis, the notion of democratic politics itself implies challenges for the right, the left and the radical center," he adds.
Speakers include Liliana Buitrago, from the Foundation high school de programs of study Avanzados (Venezuela) and Massimiliano Capra Casadio, from high school de Instrucción Superior Tonino Guerra (Italy).