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Radiators in solidarity with Alzheimer's disease

The business multinational Climastar and the University's School of Architecture are participating in a charity project for the research of the CIMA

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The business multinational air conditioning Climastar participates in a solidarityproject for the research of Alzheimer's disease that takes place in the research center Applied Medical (CIMA) of the University of Navarra. The project is starred by the second year students of the School of Architecture The project is led by the second year students of the academic center who have designed 30 models of radiators based on a reflection on the disease.

The proposals were presented by the students to Pedro Llana and Alejandro Loredo, president and director general of Climastar, respectively. The event was also attended by Mar Cuadrado, researcher at the laboratory of Neurobiology of Alzheimer's disease at CIMA; Marta García, professor at School of Architecture of the University of Navarra; Javier Vergara, manager of projects of the Spanish Confederation of Associations of Relatives of Alzheimer's (CEAFA); and Ramón San Martín, General Manager of the business El Caserío, which also collaborates with the CIMA through its "solidarity candies" against the disease.

The radiator model chosen will be marketed by the multinational, which will donate 10% of the production cost to the research on Alzheimer's disease at CIMA.

Innovation and design in the fight against Alzheimer's disease

Climastar is a Spanish company business in the air conditioning sector and is present in 20 countries. Its heaters use a material specially designed to enhance convection, radiation and heat accumulation (a patented system, unique in the world, known as "Dual-Kherr"), which also allows to offer a customized finish.

From this product, the students developed some proposals, related to the disease, which incorporate functions such as play, lighting, message annotation, evocation of memories as framework of photographs, the design of small furniture or the definition of textures.

A total of 69 students participated in this initiative, "a great experience from which we have all learned," according to Professor Garcia, manager of the subject Elements of Composition.



