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TECNUN launches a new Master of research on Applied Engineering

Aimed at professionals with a research vocation; either to perform doctoral programs of study or in research and development tasks in companies.

29/10/10 10:14
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Building of the technical school of Engineers in the Campus Tecnológico de Miramón. PHOTO: Manuel Castells

TECNUN has launched a new university Master's Degree focused on the research at Applied Engineering, the second that the campus technologist of the University of Navarra in Donostia offers entirely adapted to the new European Higher Education Area Education .

Its manager, José Manuel Sánchez, explained during the presentation of the curricular program that the main goal "is to train professionals with a vocation for research, enabling them to carry out a doctoral thesis or, in other cases, to gain access to research positions in companies".

According to Sánchez, researcher senior of department of Materials of CEIT and Adjunct Professor of TECNUN, "the main reason for its launch is the imperative need that society has for professionals of profile researcher ". "This need - assures the professor - is not only found in the university environment but also in the technology centers and Departments of research and development+i of the companies", he assures.

In fact, the subjects of the course, except for the transversal competences, correspond to the main lines of research of CEIT, which constitutes a great competitive advantage due to the close relationship of the technology center with the European industrial fabric.

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