17 | 05 | 2022
Imanol Miqueleiz (BIO'14) researches in New York on the conservation of biodiversity in freshwaters
16 | 05 | 2022
More than 700 alumni meet again at the university
16 | 05 | 2022
More than a third of young people in Navarre do not verify the information they receive on social networks about Covid-19.
ImagenManuel Castells
13 | 05 | 2022
Aviezer Tucker, Harvard professor, spoke on neo-liberalism, populism and democracy at the University of Navarra.
13 | 05 | 2022
250 children came to the University to participate in the activity "generating a culture of health in the child population".
12 | 05 | 2022
An acknowledgement of the effort and impact of entrepreneurship
ImagenPaula Berroa
12 | 05 | 2022
"It is amazing to be able to draw conclusions from large volumes of dataquickly with a few lines of code".
11 | 05 | 2022
"The search for balance between the tension of what business wants and what geopolitics imposes on us is the biggest challenge we have."
ImagenPilar Martin Bravo
11 | 05 | 2022
The work'Congalsa' from high schoolManuel Peleteiro de Santiago de Compostela wins the ninth edition of the Vidiomas contest of the University of Navarra.
ImagenManuel Castells
11 | 05 | 2022
Eleven Degreesof the University, among the best in Spain, according to the 'ranking' of 'El Mundo'.
ImagenManuel Castells