
workshop "It's up to us to prepare for the future. Thinking about sustainability."

Core Curriculum Institute


workshop aimed at University professors and professionals. 

Sustainability is a word that is now omnipresent and, perhaps, it seems reasonable to clarify what we mean by it. Sustainability can never be just an empty concept, but a commitment to the human being that, starting from our very limited vision, is capable of moving our intelligence and will towards the outside, towards others, towards the environment, towards the future.

Program of the workshop

9.30h presentation. Ricardo Piñero. Director of the Institute Core Curriculum

9.40-10.40h roundtable "What we talk about when we talk about sustainability".
Juan José Pons. Full Professor of Geography.
José Ignacio Murillo. Full Professor de Philosophy
Isabel Rodríguez Tejedo. Associate Professor of Economics

10.40-11.10h Coffee break

11.10-12.45h lecture "Sustainability".
Jerusalem Hernández. Sustainability and Good Governance Partner, KPMG in Spain.

12.45-13.45h roundtable "What we can do at the University of Navarra".
Paloma Grau. Vice President of research and Sustainability.
Carlos Naya. Director de la School of Architecture
Charo Sádaba. Dean of the School of Communication

download the program in pdf



December 13, 2023




auditorium. Sciences Building

City Pamplona
Organized by high school Core Curriculum