Front page of the Judgment of Tudela Cathedral
Punishment of gluttony
The punishment of those who overindulge in food and drink is represented by two naked figures being given a fiery liquid to drink by two devils. Similarly, in another voussoir, two figures in a cauldron appear to drink the liquid that falls from two cups held by devils. This punishment is similarly described in the Muslim hadiths (texts that narrate the visitof Muhammad to hell and heaven) as the punishment for wine drinkers. In addition, B. Mariño quotationhas as literary parallels a 13th century account of the punishment of a nobleman in hell who was forced to drink embers from a cup, or the preaching of an English monk in the 14th century who threatens gluttons with a cup of fire and brimstone.
Gluttony is not a widely represented sin in the Gothic hells, as it is not a sin that affects society, unlike greed and lust, whose internship(usury, adultery, sodomy, etc.) was punishable by law.
ARAGONÉS ESTELLA, E., "El mal imaginado por el gótico", Príncipe de Viana, nº63, (2002), pp. 7-81.
GARCÍA GAÍNZA, C. et alii, Catalog Monumental de Navarra, I, Merindad de Tudela, Pamplona, Institución Príncipe de Viana, 1980.
LANCE, J., "Le portail du Jugement de Santa María La Mayor de Tudela", Cahiers de Civilisation Médiévale, 45, 2002, pp.255-274.
MARIÑO LÓPEZ, B., "Iudas mercator pessimus. Mercaderes y peregrinos en la imaginería medieval", conference proceedings del VI congress Español de Historia del Arte: los caminos y el arte, vol. II, Santiago de Compostela, 1989, pp. 31-43.
MARIÑO LÓPEZ, B., "Sicut in terra et in inferno: la portada del Juicio en Santa María de Tudela", file español de Arte, nº67, (1989), pp. 157-168.
MELERO MONEO, M.L., "Aproximación a la iconografía del 4º Jinete del Apocalipsis", Lambard, nº2 (1981-1983), Barcelona 1986, pp.125-128.
MELERO MONEO M.L., Escultura románica y del primer gótico de Tudela, Centro Cultural Castel Ruiz, Tudela, 1997.
MELERO MONEO, M.L., "Los textos musulmanes y la Puerta del Juicio de Tudela", conference proceedings del V congress español de historia del Arte, (Barcelona 1984), vol. I, Barcelona, 1986, pp. 203-217.
MELERO MONEO, M.L., "Recherches sur l'iconographie des métiers à Tudela", Cahiers de Civilisation Médiévale, nº 30, (1987), pp. 71-76.