
Front page of the Judgment of Tudela Cathedral


Satan enthroned

On the right-hand side we find the figure of Satan on a voussoir, directing the infernal life. Seated on a throne, he gives orders to a devil at his side. The idea of a Prince of Hell is a constant in all literature on hell, whether in classical, Christian or Muslim writings. Moreover, this representation of Satan giving orders is a copy of the celestial hierarchy, since the infernal figures were presented as an antithesis, an inverted reflection of the established. This was probably an imposing figure, as shown by the claws at the end of his crossed legs (a symbol of power and rulers in the Middle Ages average), although we can only imagine it due to the destruction of the upper part of his body, probably intentional, as has happened with many diabolical images throughout history.


Satan enthroned
Photo: Carlos Martínez Álava


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