
Front page of the Judgment of Tudela Cathedral


Merchants: butchers and drapers

As in the case of the money changers, as a specific representation of greed we find merchants who cheat their customers in order to make illicit profits, and the punishment that is due to them. Thus, we see a butcher who cheats on the weight, putting his hand on the scales, and the meat he sells looks suspiciously like the dog next to him. Merchants are censured for manipulating the quality, weight or measurements they offer for sale, but also for lying and perjury in order to make more than their due profit. This explains, just above, the punishment of the butchers, in which two characters with large knives put their hands into the mouth of an infernal being, which, as B. Mariño has identified, acts as the Bocca della Verità, and which, like the one in Rome, closes over the hand of the perjurers. Moreover, they are punished on the hand because it is the organ with which they have sinned, as it is necessary for the oath.

Some drapers are also shown falsifying the measure, and their punishment goes little further, as they are forced to carry a heavy bundle while a devil "measures" their backs with a rod.

Merchants: butchers and drapers     
Photo: Carlos Martínez Álava


Merchants: butchers and drapers
Photo: Carlos Martínez Álava


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