data by centre
**In the academic years 2018/19, 2019-20 and 2020-21 are included: academic centres in Pamplona, Madrid, Clínica, CIMA, Tecnun, CEIT, FAHUN, endowment and other activities of development. IESE comprises IESE Madrid, Barcelona, Munich and New York.
*The data economic of the different centres includes all the transactions of academic year. However, when presenting the University's information on an aggregate basis, the transactions carried out between the different centres have been eliminated.
Activity income by centre
In the 2020-21 academic year, income from activities has increased by 12.4 million euros in both the academic centres and research(+7%) and in the Clinic, with 53.7 million euros (+24%), but has decreased in IESE by 8.4 million euros(-8%) due to the direct impact of the restrictions, especially in the first months of the year academic year.
In the Clinic, income amounted to 281 million euros, and in the academic centres and research the increase was 189.7 million euros. This is due to a greater number of students issue , as a result of the consolidation of the offer professor, renewed in recent years, to the income from research and to the improvement of other activities and various sources of funding, such as fundraising.
At IESE, the exceptional status has caused revenues to fall to 92.4 million euros.
Activity expenditure by centre
Operating expenses have also grown, but at a slower rate than income: the academic centres and research have increased expenses by 7.3 million (+4%) to 189 million euros. In turn, the Clínica increased by 31.3 million (+14%) and IESE reduced its expenses by 10% to 93.3 million.
The result of each centre reflects a certain recovery of ordinary activity in both the academic centres (final surplus of 5.3 million euros) and in the Clinic (17.9 million euros). At IESE the result was positive (0.4 million euros), despite the reduction in income, thanks to the efforts made to contain expenses.