




Transparencia Portlet

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Title Code of transcript Funder Beneficiary Entity Call for applications Date of award Amount Awarded Other Funds
Research on the influence of cavitation, leakage and geometric deviations on the efficiency of future aircraft engine lubrication systems. KK-2019/00098 EUSKO JAURLARITZA - BASQUE GOVERNMENT University of Navarra 2019 GV Elkartek 2019 - Phase I. Program to support the research collaborative in strategic areas. 25-06-2020 109.160,00€ -
development of new technologies and tools that accelerate the transition to smart production KK-2020/00060 EUSKO JAURLARITZA - BASQUE GOVERNMENT University of Navarra Elkartek 2020 Program (K1) Projects to support the research collaborative in strategic areas 25-06-2020 116.322,00€ -
Creating trust in the industrial digital transformation (TRUSTIND) KK-2020/00054 EUSKO JAURLARITZA - BASQUE GOVERNMENT University of Navarra Elkartek 2020 Program (K1) Projects to support the research collaborative in strategic areas 25-06-2020 81.446,08€ -
Advanced Distributed Control for Safety and Energy Efficiency in Air Transport (CODISAVAII) KK-2020/00044 EUSKO JAURLARITZA - BASQUE GOVERNMENT University of Navarra Elkartek 2020 Program (K1) Projects to support the research collaborative in strategic areas 25-06-2020 73.675,00€ -
Molecular Mechanisms Of Dna Editing And Genomic Instability Through Dna Deamination I3 Program (2021) STATE INVESTIGATION AGENCY University of Navarra 2021 AEI Aid for stabilization I3 17-06-2020 100.000,00€ -
Molecular Mechanisms Of Dna Editing And Genomic Instability Through Dna Deamination RYC-2014-16399 MINISTRY OF SCIENCE, INNOVATION AND UNIVERSITIES University of Navarra 2014 MINECO Ramón y Cajal 02-06-2020 42.150,00€ -
Engage society for risk awareness and resilience (ENGAGE) EUROPEAN COMMISSION University of Navarra H2020-SU-TDS-02-2018 01-06-2020 378.080,00€ -
Modelling tool for giving value to agri-food residual streams in bio based industries (MODEL2BIO) EUROPEAN COMMISSION University of Navarra H2020-BBI-JTI-2019 01-06-2020 310.645,05€ -
Modelling tool for giving value to agri-food residual streams in bio-based industries (MODEL2BIO) 887191 EUSKO JAURLARITZA - BASQUE GOVERNMENT University of Navarra 2019 GV Elkartek 2019 - Phase I. Program to support the research collaborative in strategic areas. 01-06-2020 260.051,98€ -
HEALIKICK - A modular strategy for the repair of critical sized bone fractures 874889 EUROPEAN COMMISSION University of Navarra SC1-BHC-07-2019: Regenerative medicine: from new insights to new applications 01-06-2020 569.375,00€ -

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