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Enrique Cristóbal, former student of the School, receives the award BINVAS 2017 for his participation in a project of the laboratory of Medical Engineering of the UN.

The award recognizes the design of a new lumbar puncture simulator developed by the laboratory of Medical Engineering of the University of Navarra.

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From left to right, Gustavo Pego, manager of the Entrepreneurship Unit of the University of Navarra; Ainhoa Aizpuru, Deputy for Economic Promotion, Rural Environment and Territorial Balance; Enrique Cristóbal, former student of Economics who collaborated in the project ; Marcos Llorente, engineer of the laboratory of Medical Engineering of the School of Medicine; Xabier Unamuno, engineer of the laboratory of Medical Engineering of the School of Medicine; Secundino Fernández, Dean of the School of Medicine; and Marisa Arriola, director of Bic Gipuzkoa. PHOTO: Courtesy
01/12/17 13:28 Andres Juarez

The award BINVAS 2017, awarded by BIC Gipuzkoa and the Provincial Council of Gipuzkoa and presented by the Deputy for Economic Promotion of the Provincial Council of Gipuzkoa, Ainhoa Aizpuru, was collected by Enrique Cristóbal, entrepreneur and former student of the Master's Degree in Economics and Finance of the School of Economics, and the group of biomedical engineers of the School of Medicine.

For the award-winning product plan, Cristobal conducted a business model to determine the feasibility of project. Cristóbal says that this award shows that an enriching relationship between the university and the private business is possible.

Cristóbal says that his previous experience as an entrepreneur has been fundamental for this project, which he describes as high risk. The biotechnology market is a market with a lot of skill in which many times they do not know how to channel the commercial strategy.

conference of Innovation and Entrepreneurship

The submission of the award was held at the School of Engineers TECNUN of Donostia - San Sebastian in the framework of the conference of Innovation and Entrepreneurship. This meeting has as goal the sensitization and training of staff researcher of Gipuzkoan universities and the Basque network of science and technology in the field of innovation, transfer and entrepreneurship.

The BINVAS competition is designed as an action aimed at raising awareness of innovation and the search for feasibility of new business ideas in the field of Biosciences. Its goal is to promote the concern for innovation and entrepreneurship in the broad university environment of the Campus Technological of the University of Navarra.



