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A study highlights that Economics in Navarra is overly dependent on the automotive industry and should diversify

Two University professors publish a book on the evolution of the Economics of the Comunidad Foral in the last fifty years.

02/05/03 17:44

The Navarra Economics depends excessively on the automobile industry and should diversify, especially betting on leading branches of industry and service sector activities with a high technological component. This is one of the conclusions of the book La industria y la Economics navarra: antecedentes y visión de futuro, published by Elvira Martínez Chacón and Fernando Pérez de Gracia, professors at the School of Economic and Business Sciences of the University of Navarra. This work, sponsored by the Society of programs of study Navarros, investigates the Economics of the region from the middle of the last century to the present day, with emphasis on industrial activity and, more specifically, on the automobile sector.

work This study has quantified the impact of this branch on employment and production and, through a simulation exercise, analyzes the effects that a drop in demand in this sector, which currently supports 12,000 direct jobs and 50,000 indirect jobs, would have on the Navarrese Economics . During the book's presentation , Professor Fernando Pérez de Gracia pointed out that "when studying the socioeconomic reality of the region, welfare and wealth are discovered. But the analysis also reveals sample its strong industrial dependence, together with the presence of a weaker tertiary sector".

Elvira Martínez Chacón underlined "the need for a greater commitment in the future to some branches of the service sector and to other booming industrial activities". She also highlighted "the flexibility of Economics Navarra and its very well designed human capital" and indicated that "the public authorities should take measures to promote the training and specialization of workers, provide better information on the markets that are opening up and facilitate the contact with companies from other countries".

Engine of the rest of Spain

In addition to the authors, the event was attended by José Mª Bastero, President of the University of Navarra; Jaime Ignacio del Burgo, president of the Society of programs of study Navarros; José Manuel Ayesa, president of the Confederation of Navarrese Businessmen (CEN) and member of the Economic Section of the Society of programs of study Navarros; and Full Professor of Economic Structure Juan Velarde, author of the book's prologue.

The latter pointed out that "Navarre's growth has exceeded the Community's average since 1997 and, in addition, it has reached plenary session of the Executive Council employment . A growth that comes from its openness and that makes this region serve as an economic engine for the rest of Spain". Regarding the automobile industry, he said that "if its weight in the region is accentuated, any crisis that may arise, such as a rise in fuel prices or a drop in the demand for automobiles, would be felt throughout the region. For this reason, it is necessary to diversify and specialize in leading industries. This is an effort that is already being made and is very important".

On the other hand, Jaime Ignacio del Burgo stated that "businessmen, social agents and politicians will find in this book an indispensable tool of enquiry for the definition of new goals and objectives of economic policy".



