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29 students from 9 countries graduate from the Master's Degree Marriage and Family

The graduates belong to the XVIII graduating class.

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PHOTO: Manuel Castells
02/07/19 14:27 Esperanza Rodés

A total of 29 students from 9 countries celebrated their graduation ceremony last Friday, June 14 at the University of Navarra. The students belong to the XVIII graduating class of Master's Degree in Marriage and Family, a postgraduate program of the high school of Family Sciences of the School of Education and Psychology.

The event was attended by: Ángel Sobrino, Associate Dean of research of the School of Education and Psychology, Javier Escrivá, director of Master's Degree, Professor Jaime Nubiola, who gave the lecture "the value of reading". In addition, Juan Fernando Sellés also participated as sponsor of the promotion. Then took place the submission of titles and then the student representative, Juan Pablo Puy said a few words before concluding the ceremony.

Alumni of the XVIII MMF graduation class

Ricardo Alarcón Contreras (Ecuador)

Pamela Arévalo Montenegro (Guatemala)

Andrea Arias Herrera (Ecuador)

Martha Arrieta Gutiérrez (Mexico)

Rebeca Alejandra Barba Reynoso (Mexico)

Nelson Zacarías Bendeck Acevedo (United States)

Carolina Burbano Mejía (Ecuador)

Verónica Canale Segovia (Mexico)

Nataly Cristina Carrasco Salgado (Peru)

Lila Paola Cerellino Cernades (Peru)

Luiggy Chicala García (Ecuador)

Rocío de Alba González (Mexico)

Ernesto De la Cruz Jacobo (Peru)

Felipe Domingo Oslé (Spain)

Juan Andrés Espinoza place (Ecuador)

Luiz Mário Gallotti Prisco Paraíso (Brazil)

María Laura Idrovo Luque (Ecuador)

María Cristina Lamota Rodríguez (Ecuador)

Luz Elena Martínez Medina (Colombia)

Diana Margarita Ortiz Reyna (Colombia)

María Guadalupe Prosperi Albisua (Mexico)

Juan Pablo Puy Segura (Spain)

Yulis Nailet Rea Puerta (Venezuela)

Carla María Reyes Baixarías (Peru)

Lorena Rincón Betancourt (United States)

Carolina Riofrio Flores (Peru)

Ana Paula Ronchi (Brazil)

Alejandro Santacruz Perales (Mexico)

Elena Paula Suárez Garza(Mexico)



