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Economics students have participated in a competition organized by KPMG.

The University of Navarra team competed in Madrid against groups from seven other Spanish centers.

04/04/12 07:58
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From left to right, Leyre Ibáñez, Amaia Alonso, Alberto Iparraguirre and Ane Martín. PHOTO: Manuel Castells

A team formed by four students from the School of Economics and Business Administration of the University of Navarra has participated in the national phase of the KPMG International Case Competition, a worldwide project educational that the company organizes annually. In the national phase of competition, they competed against groups representing seven universities: Carlos III, Deusto, Pompeu Fabra, Pontificia de Comillas, Ramón Llul, San Pablo CEU and the high school Universitario de programs of study Financieros (CUNEF).

The competition consists of a strategy and business vision game in which teams face problematic business situations and defend possible solutions in English before expert judges. Among other aspects, they must demonstrate analytical skills, communication skills, work teamwork and creativity. This is what Amaia Alonso (4th year Business Administration and Management), Leyre Ibáñez (4th year double Degree in Economics and Law), Alberto Iparraguirre (4th year double Degree in Economics and Law) and Ane Martín (4th year double Degree in Economics and Law) did. Their proposal for the signature Louis Vuitton in Japan was proclaimed winner in the local phase held at campus in Pamplona.

For the students, this call has been an opportunity to get a taste of the business world, meet new people and gain an international experience. At the final test , which will take place in Hong Kong, China, KMPG expects up to 30 countries from around the world to participate.



