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Our alumni at the COAVN Architecture Awards 2016

These awards, established in 1989 on a triennial basis, have 4 modalities: architecture, rehabilitation and restoration, interior design and urban planning, in which the important presence of our architects has stood out. alumni

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Housing for rehousing in the historic center of Pamplona by Carlos Pereda Iglesias and Oscar Perez Silanes. One of the award-winning works at modality architecture.
PHOTO: Pegenaute
04/04/16 20:46 Nagore Gil

Last March, the 2016 Architecture Awards of the high school Official Basque-Navarre Architects Association (COAVN) were presented. In its four modalities, the alumni of the School of Architecture were very present.

In the architecture modality , the jury has valued those interventions in which architecture revitalizes, reuses and transforms, enabling both new ways of living and urban and social regeneration. In this sense, our alumni Carlos Pereda Iglesias and Oscar Pérez Silanes have been awarded, whose work has consisted in the proposal of housing for rehousing in the historic center of Pamplona.

The Centro de Degree Superior de Música del País Vasco, Musikene, in San Sebastián, by the also alumni Aitor Gurtubay, Asier Atxurra de Blas and Unai Zelaieta, has been another of the works awarded in this modality.

It is also worth mentioning the significant presence of alumni from the School of Architecture among the finalists as well.

In the modality of rehabilitation, have been awarded the work of rehabilitation of a building between party walls in the historic center of Pamplona, of the architects Alfonso Alzugaray Los Arcos and Carlos Urzainqui Dominguez; and the work of the teachers of the School Asier Santas and Luis Suárez, by Auzo Factory Martiko, in Bilbao.

Also among the finalists in this modality, there has been presence of our alumni.

Regarding the modality of urban planning, among the winners and finalists, we find alumni, having result awarded the works of architects Jesús Leache and Fernando Tabuena, for their proposal to improve accessibility to the Historic Center of Vitoria; and the pedestrian walkway over the Arga River and Castas de aperos for the social orchards of the Aranzadi Park in Pamplona by Andrés Ayesa Pascual and Juan José Peralta Gracia.

Finally, in the interior design modality , the Largo Recorrido store in Cizur Menor, Navarra, by Xavier Guindano, José Mª Zarranz and Mª Alai Zarranz, and the Endoperio dental clinic in Pamplona, by Borja Lorenzana and Miguel Pérez, were the winners of the awards, which submission will be held in May.



