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A doctoral thesis on silverware from Gipuzkoa was defended at the University thesis

Ignacio Miguéliz has catalogued 1,900 works and biographed 131 silversmiths who worked in this province.

04/06/04 18:39

"The Camarín de la Virgen de Aránzazu, besides being one of the few examples of this typology preserved in Spain, is an exceptional work within the panorama of Gipuzkoan silverware, both for the quality of its work and its typology, as well as for its author, José de Legarda, one of the most original masters of the 18th century in Gipuzkoa". This is the evaluation of Ignacio Miguéliz Valcarlos, author of a doctoral thesis on "The Art of Silverware in Guipúzcoa", carried out at the department of Art History of the University of Navarra under the direction of Professor Concepción García Gaínza.

Ignacio Miguéliz has spent several years studying Gipuzkoan silversmiths from the 15th to the 18th centuries and has catalogued 1,900 pieces. For the new doctor, the works of greatest artistic value of the Gipuzkoan silversmiths were created in the 16th century for their "originality and own character, since from the 17th century onwards they will follow the same postulates as the rest of the peninsular workshops". However, as he explained, "a greater issue of works from the Baroque centuries has been preserved, especially from the 18th century, when there was a typological explosion, with a great issue of new pieces and pieces from foreign workshops, especially American".

Works in museums

The work of research includes the biography of 131 silversmiths from Gipuzkoa, of whom nothing was known until now, except for the names of about twenty related to their mark on some piece. The catalog also includes another 44 silversmiths from foreign workshops, mainly from Alava and Navarre, who were included in the documentation consulted.

Among the artists, the author of the doctoral dissertation thesis states that Juan de Zornoza and Andrés de Loidi in the XVI century; Pedro de Liñán, Diego Luis de Zirartegui, Francisco de Iturbide or the Arenas family in the XVII century; and Diego de Altuna, José de Legarda or the Aldaco family in the XVIII century can be highlighted, either by the news that are preserved about them and that indicate their relevance or by the preserved work.

As for the works, 90% are of religious subject , although civil works donated to churches and convents and some that are in museums in San Sebastian, Madrid and London are included. Ignacio Miguéliz has also located the original design of two pieces of jewelry commissioned by a nobleman from Guipuzcoa.



