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award from research for a University biologist

Ainhoa Mielgo has been distinguished for her work in the high school Medical Microbiology of Basel (Switzerland).

06/08/04 18:46

Ainhoa Mielgo, a graduate in Biology from the University of Navarra, has been distinguished with a award to young researchers for her work in the high school Medical Microbiology of Basel in Switzerland. The award, endowed with 500 euros, was created eleven years ago at report by the oncologist Paul Basset and is intended for the best papers presented by young researchers from oncology, hematology and basic research centers in the Upper Alsace (mainly Strasbourg, Fribourg and Basel).

In the last meeting organized by Alsace Therapie Génique et Cancers, two prizes were exceptionally awarded, one of them to the Spanish researcher.

Ainhoa Mielgo, born in Irun, studied Biology at the University of Navarra between 1996 and 2000 and was a student intern at department from Microbiology and Parasitology, where she collaborated in the development of molecular techniques for the detection of 'Brucella'. At the end of the licentiate degree she moved to the high school of Microbiology in Basel where she is currently doing her PhD at thesis .



