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Students from School of Economics participate in a seminar on U.S. politics at Georgetown.

The activity is part of Study program of the Economics Leadership and Governance program of the University of Navarra.

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PHOTO: Alejandor Gállego
07/06/19 13:38 Andres Juarez

The third year students of the Leadership and Governance program at Degree in Economics of the University of Navarra (ELG) participated last May in an international seminar on the fundamental principles and modernization of the State, the public administration and the mechanisms of government in the United States, organized by the School Economics Department and Georgetown University.

In the two-week course, participants delved into the political system and the mechanisms of government in the U.S. "We had daily sessions with speakers and professors very knowledgeable about the various topics we covered; from the most general, such as the U.S. electoral system, to some more specific ones, such as the healthcare system or the influence of the media on American political communication in recent years," this is how ELG participant and student Alejando Gállego described it.

The main goal of this course is to foster and strengthen student 's ability to analyze and understand current U.S. political and economic conditions through a basic understanding of economic thought and action within the U.S. public sector.

To enrich these objectives, visits are also organized to think tanks, such as the Cato Institute, the department of State and the International Monetary Fund. "We were able to discover the organizations in depth and learn about possible career paths," added Gallego. 2019 is the third year that a group of ELG students have participated in this activity.



