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School of Economics participates in the 'Case Competition' of the Queen's School of Business

Students María Errasti and Patricia Echániz traveled to Kingston (Canada) together with Marketing Professor Pedro spanish medical residency program

08/02/13 09:40 Miguel M. Ariztegi
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María Errasti, Patricia Echániz and professor Pedro spanish medical residency program PHOTO: Courtesy.
María Errasti and Patricia Echániz have participated in the Case Competition in Canada.
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Two students and a professor from School of Economics have participated in the Case Competition of the Queen's School of Business in Canada. The competition took place between January 3 and 5 and the case consisted of evaluating and correcting the pricing strategy of an American multinational in the Argentinean market. Case Competitions are international competitions in which students from different countries solve problems of Economics internship applied to business.

María Errasti, student of the double bilingual licentiate degree in Business Administration and Management and Law, and Patricia Echániz, who is studying the licentiate degree in Bilingual Business Administration and Management at area in Marketing, attended together with Professor Pedro spanish medical residency program.

The 38th edition of the Inter-Collegiate Business Competition was attended by 300 students from 38 universities around the world from Australia, Norway, Hong Kong among others and the University of Navarra in the Spanish case competing with relevant universities such as the University of British Columbia, University of Southern California.

The event was attended by sponsorship companies such as KPMG, Johnson and Johnson, Price Waterhouse Coopers, McKinsey, Target Supermarkets and Shell, among others.

This subject of academic championships between universities originated in the United States for promote academic excellence and to experience real cases from the world of business proposed by the organization. The "case competition" is also a platform where the companies sponsoring the event detect possible candidates for future employment.



