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Promising medical talents meet at the university

172 second year students from high school diploma from all over Spain participate in the fifth edition of the Clinical Case Competition organized by the School of Medicine.

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Finalists of the Clinical Case Competition PHOTO: Courtesy
08/04/19 11:37

172 second year students from high school diploma from all over Spain participated in the fifth edition of the Clinical Case Competition organized by the School of Medicine of the University of Navarra. The group SC from high school San Cernin in Pamplona was the winner in the last phase of the competition, held in the Alumni Building of the University of Navarra in Madrid. CASI, from high school Nuestra Señora de Lourdes (Valladolid), and 3ADS, from IES Navarro Santafé (Villena, Alicante), finished second and third, respectively.

In this fifth edition, 50 teams from 23 cities participated. Based on real clinical cases, the groups, made up of three or four students, had to establish an accurate diagnosis and appropriate treatment for the patient. According to Dr. Elena Urrestarazu, a member of the jury and a neurophysiologist at the Clínica Universidad de NavarraThe goal of this activity is to bring the daily work of specialists closer to future university students: "We have valued their ability to work individually and as a team, the knowledge of clinical symptoms, the approach diagnosis and treatment, as well as their communication skills".

A pioneering activity for students from high school diploma

The Clinical Case Competition of the University of Navarra is a pioneering activity in Spain that adapts the format of clinical case studies to students from high school diploma who are interested in studying a Degree of the area biosanitary.

Throughout the competition, each team was supported and advised by students in their final years of medical school. During the first phase they made an initial approach to the case and then presented a video in which they specified the clinical history, diagnosis, treatment proposals and an approach to the disease taking into account its social implications. The jury, made up of doctors and professors from School of Medicine and Clínica Universidad de Navarra, analyzed the videos and selected the 10 best proposals. These teams competed in the final at the Campus Madrid of the University of Navarra.

The ten finalist teams were British Council School (Madrid), Liceo Monjardín (Pamplona), El Regato Ikastetxea (Barakaldo, Vizcaya), El Centro Inglés (El Puerto de Santa María, Cádiz), San Cernin (Pamplona), IES Navarro Santafé (Villena, Alicante), Canigó (Barcelona), San Patricio (Madrid), Nuestra Señora de Lourdes (Valladolid) and San Fermín Ikastola (Pamplona).

V Clinical Case Competition



